sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017


Latin Words We Use Nowadays!

Hello! Today we are going to see about latin words or expressions that we use today.

-Habemus Papam!
These two words are hystorical because they announce that the Vatican has new pope. 
It is said in San Pedro´s basilisc when a new pope is chosen. Also is used colloquialy, in laughing way.
-Hey Tom! Habemus Papam!!

-A priori
A priori means “before to” or “sooner”.

- We need the keys a priori. 

 -Alter Ego 
It means, "the other I", as saying that a person has 2 personaliies. Also is used when somebody is very selfish. 

- He has too much ater ego. 

-Curriculum Vitae 
-It is the document that has all of our personal information. 

- Give me your curriculum vitae, please!

It refers to the shortage of something. 
    - That girl has an attention deficit. 

- Vox Populi 
It means, "the village´s voice"
- To continue with this proyect we has to listen the vox populi.

- Desiderata
It is refered to something you miss, or you want. It transmits a peace feeling. It is more used to name the peace phrases.
Walk placid between the noise and the hurry and think that in the peace you can find the silence. 

-Carpe Diem 
It is very famous, it means "take advantage of the moment". It is used in many films and books. 
- Anna, you have to think: Carpe Diem! Forget about everything. 

- In vitro
It means something that is done in laboratory. 
- She is going to do an in-vitro fecuntation. 

-In Albis 
You get without ideas or you forget what you had  to say, you are in albis.
-Sorry, I´ve stayed in albis!

-De facto
It means "in fact" . But this is only said in Spanish.
- Ayer fui al pueblo, de facto vi a tu tío. 

And that´s all for today! We´ve made this article among all the components of the blog. 

Thanks for reading!

3 comentarios:

  1. Fantastic it's very good I like it a lot.😁

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