viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Parallels and Meridians!

Hello people! In this political map of Spain we can see where are the parallels and meridians of each city! Goodbye!!! Aroa

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017

Hannibal´s Interview

Interview to Hannibal

Resultado de imagen de anibal
Hello Hannibal… how are you?
Hello! I´m fine, a little bit tired.

What does your name mean?
Mi name means, in phoenician; “who has the favor of Baal”.

Where were you born?
I was born in Carthago.

Who do you consider the best history´s general?
Without any doubt, Alejandro Mgno is the best general.

In how many battles you participated in?
I participated in 36 battles.

When did you cross the Alps?
In the year 218 B.C.

Can you tell me information about your family?
Well, I was born in Cartago. I have two brothers Magon and Asdrubal. And my wife that is called Himilce… oh yes! Such a good person!!

Who was your teacher?
Was an old Sparthan, called Sosilos.

What was your best battle?
I think the battle of Cannas.

When did you started your way to conquer the roman empire?
In the year 219 B.C., but with 11 years I promised I will never be Rome´s friend.

Why do you bring elephants to your battles?
Oh yes my friend, they are very big, so they frighten the enemy. They are also very strong and serve as shock force.

Do you think your brother is a good lider?
I think he is a good general, I trusted him the govern of Spain when I went to Rome.

Why you didn´t distroy Rome?
I want to keep the secret.

Thanks very much to Hannibal!

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2017


Latin Words We Use Nowadays!

Hello! Today we are going to see about latin words or expressions that we use today.

-Habemus Papam!
These two words are hystorical because they announce that the Vatican has new pope. 
It is said in San Pedro´s basilisc when a new pope is chosen. Also is used colloquialy, in laughing way.
-Hey Tom! Habemus Papam!!

-A priori
A priori means “before to” or “sooner”.

- We need the keys a priori. 

 -Alter Ego 
It means, "the other I", as saying that a person has 2 personaliies. Also is used when somebody is very selfish. 

- He has too much ater ego. 

-Curriculum Vitae 
-It is the document that has all of our personal information. 

- Give me your curriculum vitae, please!

It refers to the shortage of something. 
    - That girl has an attention deficit. 

- Vox Populi 
It means, "the village´s voice"
- To continue with this proyect we has to listen the vox populi.

- Desiderata
It is refered to something you miss, or you want. It transmits a peace feeling. It is more used to name the peace phrases.
Walk placid between the noise and the hurry and think that in the peace you can find the silence. 

-Carpe Diem 
It is very famous, it means "take advantage of the moment". It is used in many films and books. 
- Anna, you have to think: Carpe Diem! Forget about everything. 

- In vitro
It means something that is done in laboratory. 
- She is going to do an in-vitro fecuntation. 

-In Albis 
You get without ideas or you forget what you had  to say, you are in albis.
-Sorry, I´ve stayed in albis!

-De facto
It means "in fact" . But this is only said in Spanish.
- Ayer fui al pueblo, de facto vi a tu tío. 

And that´s all for today! We´ve made this article among all the components of the blog. 

Thanks for reading!

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017


The Origins Of Cartagena´s  Nowadays Name: CARTAGENA

Our city Cartagena has had a lot of names, such as Carthago-Nova, Quart-Hadast and more and more. Today we are going to talk you bout nowaday´s name: Cartagena.
Cartagena has a simple story, before "Cartagena" the city was named Qartayannat al-Halfa, and after the Christian reconquest, Alfonso of Castile called her "Cartagenia", but as it was difficult to pronounce to Carthaginians, people called it Cartagena. As we know nowadays. 

Now, we are posting some information about Cartagena´s shield:
The cartagena shield was approved in 1929.The shield has in the center a tower and surrounding the tower has 4 towers and 4 lions. The existence of the Cartagena shield is documented for the first time in a document of the year 1532 relative to an Execution on the possesion of Field Nubla.